Be part of our team

The Hayeladim Shelanu organization works non-stop in order to provide new opportunities and create new avenues for those who need them.

Enjoy the merit of making a difference: give a child the opportunity to succeed in life.

Make a smile appear on their face!

You deserve it … they deserve it!

Emergency project: Help evacuated children... NOW!

Additional projects in which you can participate

The Hayeladim Shelanu organization helps hundreds of children, teenagers and adults per year to overcome their difficulties and succeed in life.

We are honored to give you the opportunity to be part of the organization’s mission.

The Sponsor project

This project provides you with the opportunity to give a child full financial support to undergo the best treatment available.

נוירוקשב מכשיר
Sponsorship of a NeuroKeshev device

Help the organization acquire a NeuroKeshev device that will help hundreds of people overcome their attention difficulties.

5,000 $
Sponsorship of a NeuroDinami device

Help the organization stock up on a NeuroDinami device that helps to harmonize brain activity.

18,000 $

Opening a NeuroKeshev and NeuroDinami therapy clinic

Help the organization open another branch in another city by undertaking remodeling and maintenance of a new clinic.

50,000 $
Professional training

Training and supervision of a coach on behalf of the Hayeladim Shelanu organization.

1,500 $
Cognitive Training station

Equipping the organization with another station of Cognitive Training.

1,000 $

Donations with tax deductible receipt in the USA

יוצרים קש"ר

כתבו לנו פה, ואנו כבר נדאג ליצור אתכם קשר

Contact us

כתבו לנו פה, ואנו כבר נדאג ליצור אתכם קשר

לתשומת לב!

פענוח מדויק של מבדקי מוקסו ינתן אך ורק על ידי איש מקצוע מוסמך.

בכל מקרה, מבדקי מוקסו אינם תחליף לאבחון מקצועי, אלא כלי עזר באבחון מקיף.

הדוגמאות המוצגות באתר הינם להעשרת הידע בלבד.