Success stories
The following are true stories of real people
At the end of the training, each patient receives a report with an evaluation that includes their achievements.
It includes the results of the last MOXO test compared to the initial one, showing the improvement that took place after the treatment.
We gathered a small sample of success stories, among hundreds of those that we have witnessed.
Note: MOXO tests always contain real and exact information and data; however, in order to maintain their privacy, the names of the subjects were changed.

Age: 37 years
A smart and talented person, successful in his occupation as a teacher. He was diagnosed with a low grade “response time” that greatly disturbed his ability to concentrate.
Yishai received the organization’s help for three months, achieving great results.

Age: 12 years
A kind and gentle girl, she was having trouble coping in school. The difficulty stemmed from dealing with low concentration capability. Yael trained with all her might and improvement was felt in the classroom already during her training practices and the great change remained constant over time.
This illustration shows the effect of the treatment throughout the period, even after cessation of therapy.

Age: 9 years
Dealing with ongoing difficulties in school and with her peers, which affected her mood and disturbed her greatly, Ruthie approached the training with great willpower and achieved a very important change in her ability to concentrate.
In this illustration we see that medication did not have any effect, and only training brought the change.

Age: 12 years
A good and very talented child who faced problems at home and in school and experienced great difficulties in his studies.
Arieh trained with a NeuroKeshev device in parallell with NeuroDinami.
Arieh did not miss any training session and came joyfully to the meetings. Even his schoolteacher couldn’t believe the progress his student made.
This illustration shows the results of the combination of NeuroKeshev and NeuroDinami.

Age: 12 years
A smiling smart boy that is organized and orderly. He was having difficulties with his peers and with self-control. The medication he was taking to help with his behavior did help but caused severe negative side effects.
Yossi was helped with NeuroDinami and obtained results equivalent to those of the drug, without taking it.
In this illustration we see the equivalent effect of the NeuroDinami treatment versus medication. (As previously stated, this child suffered greatly from the negative side effects of the medication).

Age: 16 years
A street-smart boy. When he managed to study, he loved it. The problem is that ADHD made it very difficult for him, and he ended up avoiding school altogether.
Jonathan finished his brain training in the organization and within two months he was able to control his attention and study successfully.
In this illustration we can see the impressive short time of training that can achieve amazing results.

Age: 10 years
Racheli, a girl with a positive outlook on life, kept obtaining very low grades and had a lack of interest in her studies, which led to big problems at school.
Racheli came to our organization, and she trained for about four months. Today ADHD doesn’t interfere with her studying, and she has become one of the outstanding students in her classroom, with high academic grades.
This illustration shows the outsanding improvement in all the indices.