What is NeuroKeshev and how does it treat ADHD?

NeuroKeshev is an innovative treatment, the only one of its kind, that treats Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder by training the brain to overcome this dificulty. In this section you will get a comprehensive explanation about the treatment itself, how it works, and how it affects the brain. 

Children with ADHD are smart and creative. For the most part, they have above average potential. But the attention challenge prevents them from realizing their true gifts. Untill now, modern medicine offers only drug treatment to improve attention. When the right drug is found, the drug treatment has an immediate positive effect and is almost effortless. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that the patient has to take the drug for years or a lifetime, and often there are side effects. In addition, children are not always willing or able to take the medicine. And above all, the drug treatment does not solve the problem, but only works while its effect lasts.

Advanced studies have proven that the brain is flexible and its abilities can be developed. Learning and practice changes the structure of the brain. ADHD is not a problem with the ability to pay attention. It’s a self-control problem. Control over (impulsive) reactions, excessive talking, moods, eating and especially over thoughts, which makes it difficult to pay attention in class, for example. All this is caused by a lack of development of certain brain self-control functions. Training can build and complete these functions. Brain scans have proven that after learning a new skill there are physical changes in the brain. For example, if a person started learning to play the guitar, after months of studying, his brain recruited new neurons, created millions of new connections (synapses), etc., to support his guitar playing skill. Like a new muscle that develops with exercise.

How do you teach the brain to pay attention?

Brain activity can be detected. The brain sends out electrical waves in various frequencies. These waves can be “caught” in the head area. This is how the EEG device was born. Let’s say, with a very sensitive antenna attached to the person’s head, the antenna will pick up frequencies of certain waves that the brain emits, following the thousands of neurons that are working at any given moment. The activity of the neurons is affected for example by the person’s feelings, thoughts and straining stress on his brain. Therefore it is also possible to detect the type of activity that is taking place.

As in cardiology, the doctor checks the activity of the heart with an EKG device, so also in neurology it is possible for any neurologist to study the activity of the brain by using an EEG device that provides data on the activity of the brain without any invasive contact.

In the NeuroKeshev therapy, our software uses data from the EEG in order to teach and train the person to control his brain activity.
In the human brain there is a very important system called the “RAS system” (or reticular activating system). This system is responsible for managing the silencing of the parts of the brain that are not needed. When the person tries to focus on a certain subject, the brain silences the unnecessary parts in order to be able to activate the relevant part more vigorously, which allows the brain to control focusing on one particular subject.
Those with ADHD face an decreased silencing that prevents them from activating the parts needed to focus on a certain subject.
Therefore, the solution is to “teach” the brain to control the silencing system. And that’s exactly what our treatment does, it trains the brain on how and when to control it.

What is the role of the device in treatment?

Activating the inactive

The device detects the lack of activity of the arousal system in the areas that are needed, and realizes that the silencing system is working less than it should.
It transmits this information to the computer, the computer “processes” the data and displays the level of activity on the screen with the help of graphs.
The patient’s eyes are focused on the screen, and he notices immediately when his focus decreases. And this is the feedback the brain receives about the timing and strength of the silencing.
The patient focuses again and the graph on the screen gives him confirmation of this.
The mind acquires a renewed understanding of itself and “improves” it’s function.
Repeating the process improves and “trains” the brain to control the silencing system by itself and he can use it in real life even without the device.

NeuroKeshev therapy can be compared to a child learning to ride a bicycle. When the child first gets on the bike, he tends to fall to one side, the brain catches the feeling of the tendency to fall but still does not know how to deal with it. Then we support him and straighten him, and when he tends to fall to the other side we straighten him again; little by little the child goes and even feels pleasure from it. In this way, the child’s brain learns what needs to be done to remain stable, and the enjoyment of riding serves as positive feedback.

נוירוקשב מכשיר

Why precisely the NeuroKeshev of Hayeladim Shelanu?

There are dozens of different types of devices on the market that are produced by different companies. The organization conducted a detailed review of all the tools that can help children, and experience shows the 100% safe use of this device. 
In NeuroKeshev there is no intrusive means, no electric current flows, no magnetic force is applied and no substances are introduced into the body. But there are devices that work on the brain in a way that can harm the patient if you don’t know how to operate them properly. The difference between neurofeedback and the device we work with is that it is “neutralized” regarding the ability to decide what changes to induce, the operator does not have the ability to “play” with the brain’s abilities and its role is only to give feedback specifically in the matter of silencing the focus. And the brain uses it and trains itself independently. 

And how do we know it really works?

The effectiveness of the treatment to help children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder is proven and tested. The MOXO tests where the results are recorded are the best proof of this. Before each series of treatments, the child takes a MOXO test, which provides a measure regarding the state of the child’s attention dificulty. As soon as the series of treatments is finished, the child is tested again and the measurement can be compared between the tests.

The cost of treatment

The treatment is usually expensive and long, but Hayeladim Shelanu strives to bring world-class treatment with a significant subsidy to those who need it. A very important principle in the organization is that parents don’t spend unnecessary resources when the treatment is not being effective; therefore, if we detect that for any reason the treatment is not yielding results, we stop immediately in order to avoid economic losses and a waste of time for those involved. The goal is not commercial. The welfare of the child, and in any case the welfare of the parents is what guides us.

You probably wanted to ask...

No. The treatment is not harmful, because it does not make changes to brain activity, but rather gives the brain external stimuli to train itself. Just as intensive cycling cannot harm the leg muscles, but only trains the muscles to exert themselves in a certain direction. NeuroKeshev training cannot interfere with brain activity. It only trains the brain to strengthen activity that was previously at a very low level by learning to control the attention. 

Yes. From the organization’s experience with hundreds of children who have successfully completed the training, these children have learned to train their brains to concentrate, and they have transferred this learning to their efforts in the classroom, meaning that classroom learning has become part of the brain training of the child’s ability to concentrate. The organization conducts repeated tests that verify the success of the treatment and its long-term impact. 

Yes. The effect of the drug on the child is like crutches for a child with a cast. Our treatment is not crutches, but physical therapy for the brain. However, it is important to take the medication only after the treatment. Treatment under the influence of medication will be less effective because the brain does not need to exert itself to concentrate. 

In most cases, there is a significant improvement in attention levels, and such an improvement can certainly be a solution to reducing the high doses that children usually take. A high percentage of them will completely stop taking the medication (under the guidance of a certified neurologist—who sees the improvement with his own eyes). 

Yes. Very much. The treatment itself is an experience for the child, who enjoys the personal attention of the coach. The entire training is based on encouragement and trust that the therapist instills in the child. There are children who wait for it and ask when they will arrive for training. The child enjoys a sense of success and belonging, which connects him to the hard work of changing his ability to concentrate. 

In principle, operating the device and equipment is not complicated. The main success of the treatment is not the knowledge of the technical operation, but the therapeutic technique of encouraging the patient and motivating him to go out on a mission and succeed in it. The success is based on the therapist’s good skills. Inexperienced and unprofessional treatment can exhaust the child and miss the opportunity to give the child the best possible treatment. In addition, the cost of the equipment is high, we do not have the ability or financial feasibility to provide devices to every home. 

Parents and coaches recommend

Hundreds of children have already trained successfully

Every such success is a whole world saved B"H

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