
NeuroDinami therapy is a common third-generation neurofeedback therapy that helps the brain balance itself. 
What the treatment does is actually give information to the brain. This information helps the brain regulate and improve itself. 
What is the information given? How exactly does the brain use this information? How do you know what information to give to the brain? Is all this safe to use? You can find all the answers below

The human brain, the biggest wonder of creation, continues to amaze scientific researchers with each new discovery. Its complex function and intricate workings constantly unveil the wonders of its design.

Our brain works non-stop 24 hours a day. Brain activity is based on electrical impulses that change at their own rate without ever stopping. (Like the heart that works non-stop, the brain also has non-stop electrical activity).

Every moment the brain works, it plans, sends instructions and improves itself. Basically, every brain in the world tries to continually improve itself (otherwise we wouldn’t develop at all). When our brain detects a problem, it persistently tries to overcome it and fix it. This is how we learned to read, understand what we hear, speak, and how we developed in all other areas.

Every action we habitually perform and usually take for granted, is in fact the result of the development of the brain form a stage in life where it never had this ability before. The way the brain works is to identify a challenge and then make the effort to overcome it.

Teach the brain new abilities

In NeuroDinami therapy we actually give information back to the brain that tells it which parts it should improve in order to act in a more balanced way, thus helping it to overcome a problem that may be present. 

Sometimes the brain deals with various challenges, which greatly affect a person’s functioning. The origin of these challenges are events and experiences in life that the brain encounters, and it cannot or does not know how to deal with. That is, when a person experiences sudden suffering or a difficult event, the brain can take it as a task for development and a springboard to develop new abilities in life, or alternatively take it as a trauma or an obstacle to growth which is actually a new restraint that blocks the normal activity and development of the brain later in life. 

Can I have an example?

The human brain exhibits cyclical patterns of activity during normal function. The frequency activity (as it is reflected in the EEG, i.e. brain electrical activity reader) moves within certain limits of a uniform rhythm in a repeating pattern (like the heartbeat). 

A person who was present at a distressing car accident, experienced a strong trauma from the accident. This person will have very strong brain activity in certain areas of the brain that can greatly affect his whole functioning. 

Sometimes, traumas of this type affect the brain in such a way that the regular patterns in the brain activity begin to break and irregular “jumps” appear. These irregularities repeat themselves over and over again. 
As a result, the person sometimes can experience sudden feelings of anxiety during life, even if apparently there is nothing to fear about at the present moment, but because his brain now works in a similar way as it did during the accident, he can adapt to continue working even with these irregularities. And this is the significant factor in that person having the same incomprehensible feelings of anxiety. 

That is: the brain experiences the same feeling over and over again, so the person reacts with anxiety to something that is seemingly incomprehensible. 
In order to help the brain overcome these irregularities and stop this negative neurological activity, the brain needs to “know” when it is acting abnormally, so it can correct it. 

How does NeuroDinami therapy work?

ילדה בטיפול נוירו-דינאמי

This is where the NeuroDinami device comes in. In this treatment, the patient sits in a chair and listens to their favorite music. They do not have to do anything else, just sit relaxed and listen to the music. 

During the treatment, the NeuroDinami device is connected to special sensors that detect the brain’s activity cycles. The device’s software scans all the data it receives to determine which frequencies the brain is currently operating at. Based on this, it calculates every 4 seconds an average of the frequencies at which the brain operates. 

Once the software has the average frequency data, it can identify in which seconds there are “jumps” in the frequencies that deviate from this average. In other words, the system identifies these jumps as deviations from the normative activity of that particular brain, and therefore identifies them as an irregularity. 

In those seconds that are identified as “irregularities”, the system generates a deliberate interruption of the music and restarts it immediately. In other words, the brain hears pleasant music, but with occasional interruptions, when the system detects an abnormal “jump” in the brain wave activity of the patient. 

Throughout the treatment, the brain receives the information as interruptions in those places. And therefore, the amazing human brain tries to eliminate these interruptions; in fact, it eliminates those “jumps” in brain activity only because these interruptions in the music disturb it. 

Music, relaxation and real improvement

For the patient, this is quite an experience. He or she sits in a chair and experiences a quality hour in the middle of the week, for relaxing. And in fact, during this hour of calm, the brain also begins to relax and starts to overcome its irregular activity, which was caused by the patient’s past difficulties. 

The treatment is repeated several times, until we can see a significant improvement in the patient’s functioning. 

It is important to emphasize that we at the organization do not see the NeuroDinami device as a solution to every problem, and we decide on each patient only after an accurate diagnosis and judgment. We refer to this treatment only after we are sure that this treatment is the solution for the specific case. 

You probably wanted to ask...

A brain in distress is like a person who enters a house after a run: his hair is disheveled and his appearance is neglected… and then when he sees himself in the mirror… he is scared by the way he looks, and immediately tries to improve his condition… 


The brain reacts in the same way as the person does. The device is just the “mirror”. 

Yes. NeuroDinami treatments are quite common today. There are hundreds of clinics around the world where the treatment is performed on tens of thousands of people. 


There are no known side effects or disturbances that have resulted from using the device. 

No. The device is a therapeutic device, not a diagnostic tool. Of course, usually the person feels on their own the pace of progress the device has helped him achieve. 

The number of sessions required depends on many factors: 

  • How many years the person has been struggling with the problem. 
  • The severity of the problem. 
  • How the person’s specific brain responds to the treatment. 

No. There is no device in the world that can solve all existing problems. This is just a marketing claim. 

Anyone who comes to the organization undergoes an evaluation that helps us tailor a treatment plan specific for each individual, which does not have to include the NeuroDinami treatment. 

In rare cases, for those who are suitable for NeuroDinami treatment, there are phenomena that prevent the desired progress. Sometimes, during the treatment period, if the person performs actions that are the opposite of the treatment, this can harm the effectiveness of the treatment. For example, if a person wants to treat anxiety, the device can give them relief in each session. But if the person enters strong states and thoughts of anxiety, he can do the exact opposite and cancel everything that the treatment has succeeded in doing, and in this way, they will not be able to progress or they will progress very slowly. In such cases, it is highly recommended to add emotional therapy in parallel, which will help to change the habits in the thoughts that cause the anxiety, and thus together there is a great chance of success, B”H. 

If the reading problem stems from a lack of development, it is very likely that the treatment will not help. However, if the problem is due to other reasons such as fear, stress, perfectionism, impatience, etc., the treatment can help, B”H. 

Hayeladim Shelanu prioritizes individualized care. We reject a one-size-fits-all approach and instead draw from a range of treatment methods to create a personalized plan for each individual’s specific needs. This commitment to flexibility allows us to achieve above-average success rates B”H. 

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